Sunday, March 23, 2008

Out of the Cold: a Foster Home

Dear Diary:

This is a very happy day for me. I have a foster home! I am also hearing a lot of new words.

A few days ago, a nice lady from the SPCA responded to a call from a person who told her I was a “stray”. “STRAY” indeed! A stray is a cat who wanders away and gets lost! I am way too smart for that. Would I leave a family who is good to me? Lets face it - I was ABANDONED, in the middle of a cold winter. I am not very old - what were my “owners” thinking? People think that cats are disposable. Just toss them away when you don’t want them anymore. Don’t they know what it feels like to be cold and wet, not to mention hungry?

Attempts to find my owner had failed. So the SCPC told the lady who found me to take me to the vet clinic to see if I was a healthy cat. They looked me over, and tested me for Feline Leukemia, a contagious and fatal disease. I was negative!!! The vet also said I was “pregnant” - whatever that means. I heard him say “about halfway along”. I must be going somewhere! I hoped that it would be warm, because I have been very cold. I was afraid, because I don’t know what will happen after I get a get a “litter”. I needed a place to live.

There is no animal shelter in Antigonish, so the SPCA volunteers searched for someone who will provide me with a home until I can be adopted. They called it a“foster” home . Many foster homes are needed, especially in the spring, and it is very difficult for the SPCA volunteers to find enough good people will share their homes with needy animals.

The SPCA volunteer remembered the name of a lady had expressed an interest in helping by caring for abandoned kittens in the spring. It is not spring, and I am not a kitten, but my foster mom took me anyway, because she wanted to help. I had to go for another car ride to another strange place. My foster Mom spoke to me gently to make me feel at home. She named me Juno, because I am young and pregnant. She said it had something to do with a movie.

My foster family will keep me until I have my “litter”, whatever that is. I hope it doesn’t hurt.

I heard the SPCA lady tell my human mom that I was very “‘adoptable” because I am so gentle. So many new words!
My foster Mom is feeding me kitten cat food, because it has extra nutrients. I have a nice little bathroom, which my mom calls a “litter” box. There is that “litter” word again! I am so confused. Anyway, she cleans my bathroom every morning and she also gives me fresh water every day.

The SPCA provides me with the food and litter - aren’t they kind people? They need “donations” to help pay for my food, so donations seem like very good things.

I hear my foster mom tell people that I am a nice, quiet cat. I’m not really all that quiet. I purr loudly when she talks to me, and I meow once in awhile. I love to cuddle on her lap, and I like putting my nose in the crook of her arm. I am so glad that I am not outdoors in this awful winter weather.

Well, diary, I think I will take a nap. I am feeling very tired, for some reason..........

1 comment:

Yolanda Elizabet Heuzen said...

Dear Juno,

I'm so happy that you have found a foster home, especially in your delicate condition. I'm not at all surprised that you are so very gentle and quiet as I think that one of your ancestors was a Russian Blue cat.

Good luck and lots of purrrrrrrrs from all the kittycat members of the Bliss team in the Netherlands!